Electrical Windows


An elegant and electric wallpaper of the Windows logo

The design of the famous Windows logo is so recognized and often imitated, meaning there are many variants around. And this Electrical Windows is one of the most elegant, original and, well, electric.

In Electrical Windows you can see the Windows logo in an amazing setting, in the middle of a fierce electrical storm full of thunder and lightning, with dark tones that make it very modern, stylish and pushing the edge of art with this popular logo.

This wallpaper is 1024x768 pixel sized, although another size of 800x600 is available from the author`s website.


Electrical Windows related downloads

Windows: We suck more


An ingenious wallpaper of the Linux's Tux sucking on a Windows-inspired drink.

Double Tux


A wallpaper in which you can see Tux, the famous Linux mascot, twice.

Full go camping


A fun wallpaper where Tux and Beastie burn Windows XP on the campfire.

Linux on Ice


A wallpaper where penguins run around a melting Windows logo.